Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Poem - Tlamatini

I stated that I would post the story of my experience with a Mexican girl. Stay tuned. There is a great deal more that needs to be said!

I also promised that after I receive at least 10 comments that I would post a poem based on the comments. You can enter comments about the poem and of course you can also enter more comments about the image! The more comments I receive, the better!

Here is the Poem:


Coyote the scholar of Aztec culture
Father Guadalupe the priest
Aquarius the astrologer and
Papyrus the poet
are lost
in the labyrinth

Feathers of pink with cream
caress the paintings
on the walls
of the labyrinth

Together they stand before one of the paintings
Under the spell of the labyrinth
each person believes
that the images will point
to the way out
to his view of
Creative Enlightenment

Coyote sees an awesome image of Huitzilopochtli
pointing a spear
toward the Spectacular Sun Smile
The other ears are deaf to his words
The other eyes are blind to his vision

Father Guadalupe sees an image of La Virgen de Guadalupe
smiling in the direction of
the Miraculous Madonna Mystique
The other eyes are blindfolded
The other ears are plugged

Aquarius sees the zodiac sign of Aries
and believes that it points toward
the Superlative Sign of Signs
Again deaf ears blind eyes

Papyrus writes a poem
based on the observations
of his companions
He reads his awesome poem
believing that its words wind toward
the Magical Moon Muse
His colleagues hear it but do not listen

It is still sunrise and the feathers of pink with cream
give birth to
a young Native American girl
She is barefooted and dressed in brown rags
Her hair is tangled and dirty
She points to herself and says
But they do not see or hear her

The sun has risen
The girl blows away into iridescent sand
They cannot agree on their different visions
to Creative Bliss
So they each go their separate way

Coyote walks the trail of the Aztec gods
Father Guadalupe the way of La Virgen
Aquarius the path of the signs of the zodiac
Papyrus follows the words of his awesome poem
But no one finds the way to
Creative Nirvana

Beats of purple pink yellow and orange
vibrate through the painted walls
of the image laden labyrinth
The iridescent sand blows back in
bearing Tlamatini again and again
before Coyote
in front of Aquarius
before Father Guadalupe
and in plain sight of Papyrus
But they never notice her

They keep on walking and wandering
and wondering
down the channels of the labyrinth
from sunrise to sunset
sunrise to sunset
until the earth
stops spinning


Anonymous said...

are we always fated to miss the miracle? like the scholar, the astrologer, the priest and the poet, so focused on our own "path"
that we remain lost in the labyrinth forever missing each other, forever missing Tlamatini?
seeing only our own navels, our own needs and not the needs of others? and in the process missing the iridescent beauty of every day's dawning, missing our chance to take that one step out of ourselves and see beyond our own connect with open our eyes...just once and know that the way in is the way out.

bcarroll said...

Very well written, I would like to read more of your work.

B. Carroll, Austin, TX.

Julieta Corpus said...

Hello Steve,
I really enjoyed taking the journey through your images and poetry. Thank you very much for sharing this with the rest of the world via internet. Take care and may inspiration continue to sit by your side on quiet evenings of deep reflection. Hasta pronto! Julieta